You’re contemplating whether to import toothpaste from China,
or I’d rather import toothpaste from India,
or I’d rather import toothpaste from Malaysia,
A Sensitive Subject
You hesitate perhaps because of the former DEG poisoning incidents,
This is a sensitive subject.
My US Client
Next, I will show you the emails I have sent and received with my US client.
I hope you will get the answer from it.
A US client says:
We are very hesitant to work with a Chinese manufacturer of toothpaste. We sell a lot of products to the US government and most government entities will not allow Chinese toothpaste to be supplied to them due to the old recalls of DEG in toothpaste.

I then replied:
We understood your concern and listed the facts about Toothpaste containing DEG to him as follows.
2, according to the U.S. Code of Federal Regulations (cite:21CFR172.820) in 2007, it allows diethylene glycol (DEG) in polyethylene glycol as food additives permitted for direct addition to food for human consumption.
3, July 11, 2007, AQSIQ issued a “ban on toothpaste with diethylene glycol as the raw material announcement” to ban toothpaste containing DEG component exports and imports.

He’s changed his mind,
then, believe firmly without any doubt.
In the following emails,
I introduced some of our products to him,
and he asked me to quote him some prices.
Until two months later,
he wanted to know more about us.
Things Have Changed
- My US client visited our company website,
- wanted a tour of our company,
- decided to meet with us.

We’re confirming the final time to meet.

We’re meeting.
We‘re working together.
So, you have no worries about importing toothpaste from China